HeinOnline is a deep resource with tons of primary documents, scanned beautifully and OCR’ed for your research needs. If you are interested in a brief introduction to using HeinOnline for law school research, we have created one on our YouTube channel in our Introduction to Topical Research Databases.

Today HeinOnline released an exciting new addition to our law school accounts: Law Library of Congress Reports.

HeinOnline’s Law Library of Congress Reports collection was developed in conjunction with the Law Library of Congress. It contains more than 3,000 reports on foreign, comparative, and international law written by the Law Library of Congress in response to requests from Members of Congress, Congressional staff and committees, the federal courts, executive branch agencies, and others.

From HeinOnline’s Libguide introduction to the database

To give you an overview of what is included in this collection, they have produced a helpful video.

This collection could be exceptionally useful to people who are researching any of these subject areas:

  • Abortion
  • Adoption
  • Anti-discrimination
  • Asylum law
  • Bribery
  • Copyright systems
  • Divorce
  • Environmental law
  • Extradition
  • Gun control
  • Immigration and citizenship
  • Jury systems
  • Labor law
  • Marijuana and narcotics
  • National security
  • Taxation
  • Voting
  • Wildlife and poaching
  • Women’s rights

If you would like to check out this exciting new addition to our HeinOnline subscription and want to create a research plan, don’t hesitate to reach out to one of the law librarians at the Ross-Blakley Law Library and we’ll get you using it like a pro.

The post HeinOnline’s New Law Library of Congress Reports appeared first on Ross-Blakley Law Library Blog.