Distracted driving is a major contributing factor to car accidents, which can lead to increased car insurance rates. Studies have shown that distracted driving is the cause of up to 80% of all car crashes. This can lead to expensive medical bills, excessive property damage, and costly legal proceedings, all of which may be covered by car insurance. As a result, insurance companies often raise rates for drivers with a history of distracted driving.
Analyzing the Consequences of Distracted Driving on Car Insurance Rates
Insurance companies may choose to deny coverage to drivers with a history of distracted driving, meaning that they would have to pay for any damages out of pocket. Moreover, drivers who are found to be engaging in distracted driving may also have their licenses suspended or revoked, which could lead to even higher insurance rates.
In recent years, distracted driving has become an increasingly alarming problem on our roads and highways. Due to the prevalence of cellphones and other in-vehicle technologies, drivers are more often tempted to multitask while behind the wheel. Despite the risks associated with such behavior, many individuals are unaware of just how serious a problem it can be.
What are the Causes of Distracted Driving?
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has outlined several categories that constitute distracted driving: visual (taking eyes off the road), manual (taking hands off the wheel), cognitive (thinking about something else), and audio/visual (listening to loud music). Studies show that using hands-free technology does not necessarily reduce risks, as drivers are still liable to become cognitively distracted during conversations.
The Consequences of Distracted Driving on Driving Records
In 2018, the Centers for Disease Control reported more than 2,800 people were killed in motor vehicle accidents involving a distracted driver. Additionally, an estimated 400,000 people are injured each year due to such crashes. The economic impact of distracted driving is also staggering. According to estimates from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the total economic loss resulting from roadway fatalities was $80 billion in damages and medical costs.
On an individual level, drivers face legal repercussions if caught engaging in distracted driving behavior, like texting while operating a motor vehicle. Punishments can range from fines and license suspensions to imprisonment, depending on how serious law enforcement officials determine the infraction to be.
Car Accident Rates and Distracted Driving
Car accident rates have been steadily increasing in recent years, and distracted driving is a major contributor to this alarming trend. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), more than 3,166 people were killed in motor vehicle accidents involving distracted drivers in 2018 alone. Furthermore, an estimated 400,000 people suffered injuries due to such crashes. These numbers indicate how serious of an issue distracted driving has become on our roads and highways across America.
The Impact of Distracted Driving on Car Accident Rates in Phoenix
The impact of distracted driving on car accident rates in Phoenix is alarming. According to the Arizona Department of Transportation, there were over 48,000 reported crashes in 2020 involving a distracted driver. This figure represents an increase of 3% compared to 2019 and is the highest number recorded in six years.
These collisions resulted in over 3,000 serious injuries and nearly 300 fatalities statewide last year alone — a tragic reminder of the consequences associated with operating a motor vehicle while engaged in distracting activities, such as talking or texting on a cell phone, eating or drinking behind the wheel, or driving with a pet.
Strategies for Preventing Distracted Driving
In response to these concerning trends, state legislators have acted to further deter motorists from engaging in distractions such as using handheld devices like phones while driving, through legislation that increases fines for violations. Additionally, law enforcement agencies throughout Phoenix have implemented enhanced patrols specifically focused on identifying drivers who are not following traffic laws, which include those related to distracted driving behavior.
In conclusion, distracted driving is an increasingly concerning issue on our roads today. If we are to make progress in reducing car accident rates and deaths due to distracted driving, then we must take steps to properly educate people about this issue and enforce laws and regulations that reduce the impact of distracted driving.
At Torgenson Law, we believe that everyone is entitled to robust legal representation. Our accident attorneys are experienced litigators with a proven track record of getting our clients the compensation they deserve.
If you or a family member has been in an accident and impacted by distracted driving, please contact us today for a free consultation. Our entire team is committed to ensuring your rights are protected.
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