A business partnership or limited liability company is a go-to for many entrepreneurs or experienced business owners. They say, “Two heads are better than one” and are not wrong. More people mean more resources, knowledge, experience, and ideas. But what happens when not everybody agrees to the same ideas? That is when disputes arise.
Common sources of partnership disputes
Breach of fiduciary duties
Breach of fiduciary duty occurs when a party is responsible for acting in the interests of another but fails to do so or does so dishonestly. An example would be if a manager of an LLC diverts
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Weinberger Law
Phoenix Law Firm by Weinberger Law

Phoenix Law Firm Offers Creative and Affordable Option for Business Legal Services in 2023
Looking for an affordable Phoenix Law Firm Offers Creative and Affordable Option for Business Legal Services in 2023? The corporate law and contract law lawyers at Weinberger Law offers professionals to effectively operate to help local business with expert legal advise. A good business team includes ready access to legal counsel. For those businesses that can afford to do so, an in-house general counsel is often the answer. However, this solution is not feasible for most small companies. This includes, especially start-ups, who may often…
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Scottsdale Law Firm by Weinberger Law

Scottsdale Law Firm by Weinberger Law Offers Creative and Affordable Option for Business Legal Services in 2023
Looking for an affordable Phoenix Law Firm Offers Creative and Affordable Option for Business Legal Services in 2023? The corporate law and contract law lawyers at Weinberger Law offers professionals to effectively operate to help local business with expert legal advise. A good business team includes ready access to legal counsel. For those businesses that can afford to do so, an in-house general counsel is often the answer. However, this solution is not feasible for most small companies. This includes, especially start-ups,…
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Weinberger Law Moves to New Office
Scottsdale, Arizona – July 14, 2020 – Weinberger Law, a Scottdale based business-focused law practice announced it moved its offices to a new location at Suite 200 on 17767 N Scottsdale Rd in Scottsdale, Arizona, to accommodate the growth of the practice.
“As we grew over the last several years, our previous office was not adequate for the number of cases we handled and the number of clients we served,” said Brian Weinberger. “Our new office is much more spacious, more comfortable, very modern in design, and considerably more easily accessible from major freeways in the Valley”, he added.
The new…
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Non-Competition Agreement
A non-competition agreement, most commonly referred to as a “non-compete,” is a contract under which a party agrees not to engage in a certain line of business for a specified period of time in a specific geographic region. Non-compete agreements are typically used in two contexts: in the employment setting and when a business is being sold.
If utilized by an employer, the employee (or independent contractor) agrees that he or she will not engage in the same business as their employer for a specified period of time after they leave the company (e.g., 1 year) anywhere within…
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Weinberger Law Newsletter – February 2021

Weinberger Law Newsletter – February 2021
Time to Address Your Legal Affairs Again
Even though the COVID-19 pandemic is not anywhere nearly over, of late, we have been seeing our clients easing up on their own restrictions and beginning to focus again on getting on top of their legal affairs. During 2020, many legal issues, particularly those pertaining to disputes between business partners and contracts, were – for the most part – allowed to fester.
Now though, we are seeing much more proactivity, and clients are no longer allowing business toothaches to turn into root canals, so to speak.
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I Have Been Served with a Lawsuit – What do I do Now?
I Have Been Served with a Lawsuit – What do I do Now?The Definitive Steps You Should Take
Being served with a lawsuit is a jarring experience, especially if you have not been involved in litigation before. Maybe you were expecting the lawsuit, maybe you were not, but in either case, the experience can be very intimidating and make you feel as though you are on your heels i.e., on the defensive before the lawsuit even gets going. When you have been served with a lawsuit, there are definitive steps that you can and should take right away…
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Weinberger Law Newsletter – January 2021

Weinberger Law Newsletter – January 2021
“The Times They Are A-Changin’” Peter Paul and Mary, 1964
Wow, how true is this almost 60 years later? Our communications, interactions, safety, faith, and lives – literally everything seems to have changed. We at Weinberger Law came to realize that we must change too, in the way we deliver and charge for our services, and in the ways we can meet our clients’ needs effectively and economically. This month, therefore, we unveil Fractional General Counsel. It’s an innovative, cutting-edge program designed to provide day-to-day, on-call legal services to small and medium-sized businesses that are not…
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Local Law Firm Offers Creative and Affordable Option for Business Legal Services

Local Law Firm Offers Creative and Affordable Option for Business Legal Services
Scottsdale, Arizona – January 26, 2021 – Every business needs a team of professionals to effectively operate and make a profit. A good business team includes ready access to legal counsel. For those businesses that can afford to do so, an in-house general counsel is often the answer. However, this solution is not feasible for most small companies and especially start-ups, who may often take unwise legal risks or gambles solely to avoid expensive legal fees that would squeeze their budgets.
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Weinberger Law Newsletter – December 2020

Weinberger Law Newsletter – December 2020
Time of Honest Reflection
December is a month of transition and taking stock. We shift from one year to another, and often, from an existing set of resolutions to an updated one. We review and assess, too, the previous 12 months – how we performed and how we showed up for others – and of where we hope and plan to do better in the coming year. We invite you to virtually join us in this time of honest reflection, as we contemplate how to better serve you in 2021.
Happy Holidays from…
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Weinberger Law Newsletter – November 2020

Weinberger Law Newsletter – November 2020
“Making It” Through A Challenging Year
We made it! Who would’ve thought when we rang in 2020 that so many people would be heralding “making it” through the year as a success?
While 2020 will no doubt be remembered as a year filled with challenges, we see the year as also having been filled with gifts. We opened a new and beautiful office in North Scottsdale, expanding our footprint four-fold. We hired new staff. We added several innovations in order to communicate with and remain connected to our clients and the courts. Soon,…
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7 Signs You May Need a Mediation

7 Signs You May Need a Mediation
Oftentimes, cases come to us that present genuine legal issues, but are better candidates for mediation rather than litigation. Mediation is a voluntary process in which a neutral party – the mediator – tries to facilitate a compromise or settlement between the arguing parties. The mediator does not make a decision on who wins and who loses, but rather, only acts as a facilitator trying to bring the parties to an agreement.
Here are some questions to ask yourself:
Weinberger Law Newsletter – October 2020

Weinberger Law Newsletter – October 2020
Better Times Are Ahead
Never before in our nation’s history have we faced the level of uncertainty and feeling of insecurity that many of us face now. As we take steps to establish a solid footing, including in our businesses, the ground often seems to shift yet again. Many describe their business experiences over the past few months as akin to being on a roller coaster.
There is a reason why attorneys are often referred to as “counselors.” Our mission at Weinberger Law is to help you ride those waves and get through…
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Weinberger Law Newsletter – July 2020

Weinberger Law Newsletter – July 2020
Life Must Go On
COVID-19 is still with us, unfortunately, but life must go on. This is true for legal matters as well. There are still disputes, lawsuits, contracts, court proceedings, and many other legal issues that need handling – many of them in an expeditious manner.
At Weinberger Law, we understand, and we have come up with creative ways of providing our clients with the help they need under these very unusual circumstances. From phone consultations, to Zoom appearances, to electronic documents and signatures – we do it all, so if you choose,…
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Weinberger Law Newsletter – July 2020
Weinberger Law Newsletter – July 2020
Life Must Go On
COVID-19 is still with us, unfortunately, but life must go on. This is true for legal matters as well. There are still disputes, lawsuits, contracts, court proceedings, and many other legal issues that need handling – many of them in an expeditious manner.
At Weinberger Law, we understand, and we have come up with creative ways of providing our clients with the help they need under these very unusual circumstances. From phone consultations, to Zoom appearances, to electronic documents and signatures – we do it all, so if you choose,…
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Operating Agreements and Shareholder Agreements

Operating Agreements and Shareholder Agreements
An operating agreement is a document that describes the rights and obligations of each member of a Limited Liability Company (LLC), defines who is authorized to take what actions, and identifies the managers of the company – the person, or persons, responsible for conducting the day-to-day affairs of the LLC.
An operating agreement should contain terms that limit the authority of the manager to take certain actions, and require unanimous or close to unanimous consent before certain actions may be taken. A well-drafted operating agreement will also contain dispute resolution procedures, allowing for disputes to…
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