Tim Eigo

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Arizona Attorney Magazine has learned that international law firm Steptoe will be closing its Phoenix office by early September 2019. Firm spokesperson Kathy King, Steptoe’s Director of Media & Public Relations, told us the following on Tuesday morning:
“Steptoe will be closing its Phoenix office by September 3, 2019. After 32 years in the Phoenix community, Steptoe has made a business decision to close its Phoenix office. While this was a difficult decision, Steptoe’s strategic plan is focused on growth in priority practices in key regulatory and financial markets in the United States, Europe and Asia, and maintaining an office
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At its regular annual meeting at the State Bar Convention this afternoon, the State Bar of Arizona Board of Governors confirmed its slate of officers for the coming year. The new roster includes the newest officer, Secretary/Treasurer Denis Fitzgibbons, elected today:

  • President: Jeff Willis
  • President-Elect: Brian Y. Furuya
  • Vice President: Lori Higuera
  • Secretary/Treasurer: Denis Fitzgibbons

This event included a rare contested election for two positions. The candidates for Vice President were board members Lori Higuera and Hector Figueroa. Candidates for Secretary/Treasurer were board members Tyler Carrell, Jessica Sanchez, Sam Saks and Denis Fitzgibbons.
Follow more news via this Convention Daily
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On June 5, a panel of four corporate counsel addressed the challenges of diversity and inclusion that are faced by the legal profession.
The event, hosted at Snell & Wilmer in Phoenix, was sponsored by the Arizona Collaborative Bar, the South Asian Bar Association of Arizona, the Iranian American Bar Association, and the State Bar of Arizona.

The attorney–panelists were:

  • Sharad Desai, Litigation Counsel, Honeywell International Inc.
  • Maacah Scott, Staff Counsel Arizona Diamondbacks
  • Art Lee, Deputy General Counsel, University of Arizona
  • Ashley Kasarjian, Senior Corporate Counsel – Employment, Republic Services

Greg Gautam, a partner in Snell’s Phoenix office, moderated the
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Next Wednesday, May 9, a free seminar offered by the State Bar of Arizona examines the timely issue of sexual harassment. Called “Changing the Conversations,” it will include lawyers, judges and other experts discussing workplace environments and culture and the associated behaviors we all have grown too familiar with in media reports.
The Bar adds, “The program is not intended to offer CLE credit as it will address sexual harassment as a workplace culture issue instead of a legal issue, and therefore has not been developed with MCLE rules in mind. It is available as a service to the legal
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Imagine a way to assist consumers in locating an attorney – at the widest possible range of price points – and doing so in a way that helps lawyers obtain clients and develop their law practice.
That imaginative effort culminates today in the launch of web portal Find-a-Lawyer by the State Bar of Arizona.
How appropriate that the launch is on Law Day – an annual event that celebrates the role of law in society.
According to the State Bar, more than 8,000 Arizona lawyers have already updated their online profiles – which means they will receive matches with potential
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The Arizona State Law Journal hosts its annual banquet on Wednesday, April 4, 2018.
Jennings Strouss general counsel Scott Rhodes will be honored at the annual Arizona State Law Journal 2018 Awards Banquet. It will be held on Wednesday, April 4, 2018, from 5:30 to 9:00 pm. The banquet will be held in Room 544 of the Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law’s Beus Center for Law and Society in downtown Phoenix, 111. E. Taylor Street.
Rhodes will receive the 2018 John S. Lancy Distinguished Alumni Award. Other outstanding members, as well as Executive Board members, also will be recognized.
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Fred Korematsu Google Doodle by artist Sophie Diao
In honor of a new day of remembrance in Arizona, all are invited to an event in one week celebrating the life and achievements of Fred T. Korematsu.
On Tuesday, January 30, the Arizona Asian American Bar Association hosts a reception honoring the “Fred Korematsu Day of Civil Liberties and the Constitution.” It will be from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. at District American Kitchen in the Sheraton Grand Hotel, 340 N. 3rd St, Phoenix, AZ 85004.
The event is free and open to all, but an RSVP is requested. Write to Thomas
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News from my colleague Alberto Rodriguez, Public Relations Manager at the State Bar of Arizona:
The State Bar of Arizona and ABC15 held the year’s first Let Joe Know, Ask a Lawyer Phone Bank on Wednesday, January 10. This new partnership between the Bar and ABC15 is proving to be a valuable resource for our community as volunteer lawyers answered an impressive 166 calls during the two-hour phone bank focused on family law.
The Bar’s role as a partner and organizer of the phone bank is to help connect ABC15 viewers, and the community at large, with licensed attorneys for sound
Continue Reading Attorneys offer pro bono family law advice at @LetJoeKnow @ABC15 @AZStateBar program

Many items may fill an attorney’s bucket list, but having a compelling play written about them and their work? Unlikely. Law practice may be many things, but most of its dramas are small, interior, and unsung.
Exceptions exist, of course, and Theatre Artists Studio of Scottsdale – a member organization of actors, playwrights, directors, producers and designers – seems to have found one in the life of Francis Biddle.
If his name rings no bells – it did not for me – that’s a shame, for his contributions were great. He served as the U.S. Solicitor General in 1940 and
Continue Reading Francis Biddle’s life of law captured in “Trying” at @thestudiophx

News from the Arizona Supreme Court:
The Arizona Supreme Court is pleased to announce that Pinal County Superior Court is now accepting electronic filings of civil case initiation and civil subsequent documents through the eFileAZ and AZTurboCourt efiling applications. eFiling is currently available using both applications in Yavapai County, Mohave County, Santa Cruz County, and Maricopa County Superior courts. Plans are underway for the remaining Superior Courts in the State to begin accepting civil documents via efiling in the coming months.
Both efiling applications bring with them the ability to file both civil initiating and subsequent cases electronically, the ability
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