At its midyear meeting, the ABA House of Delegates unanimously approved Resolution 500, which states:

That the American Bar Association urges lawyers and all interested parties to increase the informed and voluntary use of Early Dispute Resolution: party-directed, non-adjudicative approaches to resolve disputes in a time-efficient and cost-effective manner, including, but not limited to, direct negotiation, mediation, and ombuds.

This article provides more background.  It notes:

The Resolution was spearheaded and drafted by ABA Section of Dispute Resolution EDR Committee Co-Chairs Ellie Vilendrer (California), Felicia Harris Hoss (Texas), and Mary Cullen (Minnesota) and Co-Chair of the Ombud’s Committee Meg Willoughby (Pennsylvania).  Underscoring the importance and value of early dispute resolution intervention, before the Resolution was presented to the House for a vote, several ABA sections and divisions co-sponsored the Resolution, including the ABA Section of State and Local Government and the ABA Senior Lawyers Division.  The Resolution also received support from the ABA Business Law Section, the ABA Section of Labor and Employment Law, the ABA Young Lawyers Division, and the ABA Section of Government and Public Sector Lawyers.

Take a look.