In Arizona, gun injuries occur for many reasons. The main contributing factor is the prevalence of gun ownership in the state. Arizona gun laws allow nearly anyone over 21 to acquire a firearm without a permit. While the right to own a firearm is important, these laws can make it easier for individuals with criminal intent, those suffering from mental illnesses, and those unfamiliar with how to safely use guns, access to firearms.
While the majority of gun deaths in Arizona were from suicides, firearm accidents accounted for a substantial proportion of gun injuries in Arizona in 2019. An increase in recreational and sport shooting, as well as the lack of proper gun safety education, were cited as the main contributing factors.
In summary, Arizona’s gun control laws, its geography, and its social and economic conditions all contribute to the high frequency of gun injuries per year in AZ. If you’ve been injured in a gun-related incident, don’t hesitate to call the gun injury lawyers at Torgenson Law for a free consultation and explanation of your rights.
Types of Gun Injuries in Arizona
In Arizona, we see many forms of gun injuries. The most common type of gun injury is a gunshot wound, which can be fatal or non-fatal. Victims of gunshot wounds suffer physical trauma, psychological trauma, and potential long-term disabilities. Gunshots to the head, neck, or torso can cause death or permanent neurological damage in the victim. Shots to the limbs can cause bone and nerve damage, as well as paralysis. Also, it’s possible for a gunshot wound to result in massive blood loss and infection.
In addition to gunshot wounds, there are also non-fatal types of injuries related to the use of guns. These injuries can include rock chip injuries, flesh wounds, bruising, blunt force trauma, lacerations, and hearing loss. Depending on the severity of the injury, victims of these injuries can suffer physical pain and long-term emotional trauma.
Overall, gun injuries in Arizona come in many forms and can range from relatively minor to potentially fatal. Some of the more common firearm injuries include:
- Gunshot wounds
- Penetrating trauma
- Contusions or abrasions from firearms
- Falls associated with firearm use
- Ricochet injuries from bullets
- Injuries caused by gunshot shrapnel or debris
- Burns due to accidental discharge of a firearm
- Eye injuries from firearm use
- Soft-tissue injuries related to firearms
- Chemical burns from ammunition
Gun-Related Deaths in Arizona
Gun-related deaths in Arizona have been a continued source of distress and concern for many residents and public health officials alike. In Arizona, the number of gun-related deaths has been slowly climbing over the years, with the number of gunshot deaths in 2019 alone totaling over 1100. More disturbing is the fact that 79 of those deaths were children and teenagers.
The high number of firearms in circulation in the state is also believed to be linked to gun-related deaths. As of 2017, Arizona had 3.8 million firearms in circulation, with more guns being purchased each year due to the threat of new laws restricting ownership.
Unfortunately, the situation looks to remain dire for the foreseeable future, as the post-COVID-19 reality is that there seems to be more conflict and more gun violence.
Arizona Laws on Guns
Phoenix gun laws are in place to protect citizens of the community, as well as help make sure firearms are used responsibly. The most common gun laws in Phoenix involve the following:
- Background checks must be performed before purchasing a firearm from a dealer
- Waiting periods are in place prior to purchasing a firearm to ensure that those purchasing firearms are not acting in haste
- Persons convicted of certain felonies are not permitted to purchase firearms
- Concealed carry permits have specific requirements and must be renewed every year
- The firearm must be legal under state law
- Magazines with more than ten rounds can only be used at shooting ranges
- Carrying firearms on school grounds is illegal
These Phoenix gun laws are designed to ensure that firearms are being purchased and used safely and responsibly. Although gun ownership is legal and readily available in Arizona, proper care must be taken to ensure firearms are stored safely, permitting laws are followed, and no firearm is misused or abused.
How Can Torgenson Law Help?
If you have suffered an injury from a firearm incident, your first priority is obviously getting well and taking care of your family. At Torgenson Law, we understand that the trauma caused by your incident never really goes away. Our team works with you to understand your injuries and damages, and we’ll take action to seek justice. Contact us online today.
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