The Ross-Blakley Law Library is open and here to help you over the summer! However, the Ross-Blakley blog will pause its regular updates during this period in order to focus on long-term projects. To keep you engaged until the start of the next academic year, we’ve compiled a clickable list of newly added books for you to explore and borrow for your summer reading:

Artificial Intelligence 

Research Handbook on Intellectual Property and Artificial Intelligence 

The Cambridge Handbook of Artificial Intelligence: Global Perspectives on Law and Ethics / DiMatteo, Larry A., editor.; Poncibò, Cristina, editor.; Cannarsa, Michel, editor. 

Comparative Law 

Comparative Constitutional Law in Africa / Dixon, Rosalind, editor.; Ginsburg, Tom, editor.; Abebe, Adem, editor. 

Constitutional Law 

Democracy’s Chief Executive: Interpreting the Constitution and Defining the Future of The Presidency / Shane, Peter M. 

Corporate Law 

The Corporation as Technology: Re-calibrating Corporate Governance for A Sustainable Future / Bruner, Christopher M. 

Criminal Law 

Sentencing And Artificial Intelligence / Ryberg, Jesper, editor.; Roberts, Julian V., editor. 

What Is a Criminal?: Answers from Inside the US Justice System / Gaudet, Katherine S., editor.; Beety, Valena Elizabeth. contributor. 

Energy Law 

Resilience In Energy, Infrastructure, And Natural Resources Law: Examining Legal Pathways for Sustainability in Times of Disruption / International Bar Association. Section on Energy, Environment, Natural Resources and Infrastructure Law 

Environmental Law 

Dawn At Mineral King Valley: The Sierra Club, The Disney Company, And the Rise of Environmental Law / Selmi, Daniel P. 

Ecological Vulnerability: The Law and Governance of Human-wildlife Relationships / Woolaston, Katie 

Environmental Law, Disrupted / Hirokawa, Keith H., editor.; Owley, Jessica, editor. 

Free Speech 

A Century of Repression: The Espionage Act and Freedom of the Press / Engelman, Ralph 

Social Media, Freedom of Speech, And the Future of Our Democracy / Bollinger, Lee C., editor.; Stone, Geoffrey R., editor. 


Reproduction Reborn: How Science, Ethics, And Law Shape Mitochondrial Replacement Therapies / Bowman, Diana, editor.; Ludlow, Karinne, editor.; Johnson, Walter G., editor. 

Indigenous Law 

A Promise Kept: The Muscogee (Creek) Nation and Mcgirt V. Oklahoma / Miller, Robert J. 

In Defense of Sovereignty: Protecting the Oneida Nation’s Inherent Right to Self-determination / Webster, Rebecca M. 

Native Americans and the Supreme Court / Henderson, M. Todd 

Standing Bear’s Quest for Freedom: The First Civil Rights Victory for Native Americans / Dwyer, Lawrence A 

Intellectual Property 

Intellectual Property Excesses: Exploring the Boundaries of IP Protection / Bonadio, Enrico, editor.; O’Connell, Aislinn, editor. 

Law Jobs 

A Short & Happy Guide to Judicial Clerkships / Dysart, Tessa L. 

Becoming A Public Interest Lawyer / Hallett, Nicole 

Big Law Confidential: The Comprehensive Guide to the Large Law Firm Work Experience in The U.S. / Randolph, D. W. 

Global Pro Bono: Causes, Context, And Contestation / Cummings, Scott L., Editor.; Silva, Fabio De Sa E, Editor.; Trubek, Louise G., Editor. 

Legal Advocacy and Writing 

Writing Sentences That Work: Essentials for Law Students / Boelzner, David 

Legal Education 

1000 Days to the Bar, But the Practice of Law Begins Now / Tonsing, Dennis J., (3rd Ed.) 

Critical Thinking: An Essential Skill for Law Students, Lawyers, Law Professors, And Judges / Fruehwald, Edwin Scott 

Leading In Law: Leadership Development for Law Students / Polden, Donald J. 

Reading Like a Lawyer: Mastering the Art of Reading Law Like an Expert / Mckinney, Ruth Ann 

Women And Law 

Feminist Judgments: Corporate Law Rewritten / Choike, Anne, Editor.; Rodrigues, Usha R., Editor.; Williams, Kelli Alces, Editor.; Chesler, Susan M. Contributor. 

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